Recommended check-in time remains 3 hours for US flights

September 12, 2022

ORANJESTAD – As of Tuesday, September the 13th of 2022 access for US departing passengers will no longer be restricted to a color code for groups as per the Passenger Flow Control. As of Tuesday, all US flight will be operating without further access restrictions to process passenger’s check-in at the US check-in terminal. All passengers on flights to the US are strongly recommended to be at the airport at least 3 hours before their scheduled departure time. For passenger traveling to other destinations, it is recommended to be at least 2 hours before their scheduled departure time.

The ED (Electronic Disembarkation) Card system that is used by all passengers arriving in Aruba will also no longer reflect this requirement and therefore no notifications will be sent to passengers about time frames of checking in at the airport as of September 13, 2022.

After evaluating the color-coding system with all airport stakeholder involved in this system that was initiated at the beginning of this year, it has been decided to temporarily eliminate this flow control system. As we are entering the slower travel months this flow control system is no longer necessary. Further minor modifications will also be implemented within the overall check-in and passenger flow process and a further evaluation will once again be performed before we enter the peak winter season at the end of this year.

Aruba Airport would like to thank all the stakeholders and airport authorities involved in this process and are committed together with all stakeholders involved to continuously strive to improve the passenger flow processes at Aruba Airport.


Eliminashon temporal di e “Passenger Flow Control” na check-in pa pasaheronan cu destinacion pa Merca

E check-in time recomenda pa vuelonan pa Merca ta keda 3 ora adelanta


ORANJESTAD – Desde diamars dia 13 di September 2022 acceso pa pasaheronan cu destinacion pa Merca lo no ta mara mas na e codiconan di color bow di e “Passenger Flow Control” cu a wordo introduci na e proceso pa check-in desde anja pasa. Tur pasahero riba vuelonan cu destinacion pa Merca to wordo urgi y recomenda pa yega aeropuerto por lo menos 3 ora prome cu e ora di salida di e buelo cu cual e pasahero lo biaha pa Merca. Pa otro destinacionan e recomendacion ta minimo 2 ora prome.

E systema di ED (Electronic Disembarkation) Card cu ta wordo usa dor di tur pasahero ora di yega Aruba lo no refleha e systema aki mas y notificacionnan por medio di e sistema aki pa cu e vuelo di salida lo no wordo manda mas desde september 13, 2022.

Despues di a evalua e sistema di codigo di color hunto cu tur partners di aeropuerto cu ta forma parti di e procesonan na aeropuerto a wordo dicidi cu temporalmente lo elimina e sistema di controla e fluho. Ya cu nos ta drentando e temporado abow e lunanan nos dilanta, e sistema di fluho aki no ta necessario mas. Modificacionnan chiquito lo wordo introduci den e check-in y e fluho di pasahero en general, y mas evaluacionnan lo wordo haci den e lunanan cu ta bini prome cu nos drenta den e temporada druk di winter na final di anja.

Aruba Airport ta gradici tur su partnernan y autoridadnan operando na aeropuerto cu tawata involvi den e proceso aki y ta comprometi hunto cu tur partner y Autoridad pa sigui desplega tur esfuerzo pa mehora e proceso di fluho di pasahero na nos Aeropuerto.